Oh what a great question.
I have had so many quarrels and been so moved by so much that " I read". And still my reading goes on. To think once upon "not so long" a time ago to read was the privalige of the rich.
Oh, hang on folks, it still is the privalige of the rich. That's why I don't take my world which is a maze of book shops, universities, and Internet all full of literature for granted. I always appreciate so many in the world are still denied the privalige of drifting away in someone else words. My hope is that all those who are in that poverty, someday experience the joy of being moved by the joy of being able to read.
All life has a beginning a middle and an end,but when a person reaches the end how can we not be moved the words of that life that live on?
The Rebel s words are paintings, maybe your words are a musical note? or a quilt you made by hand? what ever your words, I hope in the future people are moved like beautiful musical tunes by them.
The Rebel.